If you're looking to purchase Aperian for yourself or just a few people, we offer individual licensing for several of our products. We currently offer two packages revolving around the GlobeSmart Profile, and another around the Inclusive Behaviors Inventory. 

GlobeSmart Profile Plans

With both plans listed below, you'll get access to the GlobeSmart Profile and GlobeSmart Guides. With these resources, you and/or your team will build awareness of style differences and improve global collaboration.

  • Discover individual work styles, compare with colleagues and cultures, and get tailored advice to enhance collaboration and productivity.
  • Give employees access to trusted, research-backed information on doing business with over 100 cultures.
  • Explore local DEI factors in countries around the world.

For more information on these plans, please visit our pricing page


This plan is perfect for users who are just getting started in their learning journey, or for those licensing other learning products. The starter plan includes:

  • GlobeSmart Profile
  • GlobeSmart Guides
  • Aperian Copilot (an AI chatbot that can answer questions about cultures around the world)

Pricing:  $65 for 6 months

Purchase now!


This plan is best for larger teams that want to improve team cohesion across boundaries. This plan includes:

  • GlobeSmart Profile
  • GlobeSmart Guides
  • Aperian Copilot
  • Aperian Live (open enrollment live facilitator-led workshops)
  • Internal facilitation resources
  • Learning module suite
  • Basic analytics

Pricing:  $115 for 6 months

Purchase now!


Inclusive Behaviors Inventory (IBI)

Let inclusion power your workplace with the Inclusive Behaviors Inventory. This plan only includes the Inclusive Behaviors Inventory and can be combined with the above plans for a more comprehensive learning strategy.

  • Measure inclusion levels of employees and equip them with personalized action plans based on survey results.
  • Enhance your multi-year DEI strategy with a proven and statistically validated resource.
  • Ensure a successful enterprise roll-out with a tool that uses language designed for a global audience.

Pricing:  $99 for 6 months

Purchase now!



Are you a professor or student? Visit our Educational Licensing page.





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