Check in every month to see our latest product updates. Here's what we have to share with you for this month:
Compare with the Organization Average Profile
A new feature available to GlobeSmart Enterprise plans is the ability to compare profiles with an Organization Average Profile. The Organization Average Profile is just what it sounds like: it's a GlobeSmart Profile that averages all the organization's members into one profile. All organization members can compare their own profile with the organization profile, view differences and similarities, and get advice.
This feature is only available to organizations with at least 50 members with completed profiles. Read more about the Organization Average Profile.
GlobeSmart Profile Advice in Japanese
After comparing your GlobeSmart Profile with a culture, team, individual, or organization, Premium and Enterprise GlobeSmart users can view detailed, personalized advice on nine business topics. The advice is available in English, Chinese, French, and now is also available in Japanese.