Check in every month to see our latest product updates. Here's what we have to share with you for this month:

Explore Our Websites

Looking to learn more about GlobeSmart and Aperian Global? We encourage you to explore our recently launched marketing sites: and

On, learn more about the services we offer focused on Diversity and Inclusion, Global Mobility, and increasing your organization's Cultural Agility.


On, discover the different products we offer, explore cultural resources, and consider expanding your GlobeSmart experience to go beyond the Profile and Culture Guides.


New Process for Purchasing GlobeSmart

For individuals looking to use GlobeSmart on their own, or for use in small groups, we have a new way to purchase a plan. For those of you that have purchased GlobeSmart seats in the past, we've done away with the Aperian Global online store. It's now possible to upgrade your account from Basic to Premium directly within GlobeSmart.

You can also purchase GlobeSmart on behalf of other people. Simply click the box "I am purchasing for others" and enter the number of licenses you need. The GlobeSmart team will get in touch with you within one business day with instructions on how to distribute your seats.

Read more about the purchasing process.

Redesigned GlobeSmart Dashboard

To support our clients hoping to promote Learning Module and Assessment use, we've redesigned the layout of the GlobeSmart Dashboard. The functionality is the same, but you'll notice that your Learning Modules and Assessments buttons have moved to the upper-left position, on the same row as the GlobeSmart Profile. Access to the Culture Guides is now full-width in the second row.



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