Check in every month to see our latest product updates. Here's what we have to share with you for this month:

Inclusive Behaviors Inventory Interactive Email Nudges

At Aperian, we believe that learning is a journey and not just an event. That's why after completing one of our products, you receive a series of email nudges supporting your learning over a number of days. The Inclusive Behaviors Inventory (IBI) now includes an interactive nudge helping you choose a behavior on which to focus. 

After completing the IBI, you will receive your full report. One day later, you receive an email focused on your lowest scoring dimension and offering three small behaviors to focus on. After choosing one, your response is saved in GlobeSmart and you receive additional advice and support for adjusting that behavior and making a real change towards creating an inclusive workplace. 


Culture Guide Updates

We're continually working to update and improve the GlobeSmart Culture Guides. We prioritize content updates based on the urgency of the update and relevance to GlobeSmart users. 

In January and February 2023, we updated the following topics:

If you have feedback on the Culture Guide content, please don't hesitate to get in touch


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