Being the "owner" of an Access Code means the Access Code is assigned to your Aperian account, and you can distribute it to others. As the owner, you can keep track of who has used the Access Code you shared.

To view an Access Code's uses:

  1. Click on the 'person' icon in the upper right corner of your Aperian window.
  2. Select Access from the menu that will appear


  1. Under the header, Access Codes You Own, you will see any Access Codes assigned to your GlobeSmart account. Click the Get Information button and you will then see who is using the access code as well as their status. As you can see in the screenshot below, the section will expand to show the following data:
    • Name and Email address
    • GSP Status, showing whether the user has taken the Aperian Profile survey or not. Status includes: 'not started', 'started', or 'finished'
    • Date the Access Code was redeemed (clicked on) by the person with whom you shared it

  • If you would like to download this information to a CSV file, click the Export button.
  • Click Get Information again to collapse this section

This information updates in real time, so you can check back frequently to see if your Access Code has received more uses.

Note: You can also copy an Access Code URL to share it by clicking on the little 'clipboard' icon that appears after the Access Code name.)

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