Teams is a feature available on Premium and Enterprise Aperian plans.

Benefits of GlobeSmart Profile Teams

GlobeSmart Profile teams are an easy and powerful way to share and compare profiles with several people at the same time. Some of the benefits of creating a team include:

  • Easy sharing: only one invitation needs to be sent for all team members to agree to share profiles with every other person on the team.
  • Quick comparisons: one click to add a full team to a comparison. (Learn more about creating comparisons.)
  • Team average: when creating a team, a dynamic team average is automatically created and visible when viewing a team comparison. This profile is an average of the profiles of all the team members.

Learn more about the differences between inviting individuals and creating a team.

Note: It's possible to create a team and provide paid access to Aperian for your team members at the same time. To do this, you will first need to purchase a number of Aperian seats and have an active Access Code assigned to your account. (Learn more about Access Codes.)

Creating a Team

The video below will walk you through the steps to create a GlobeSmart Profile Team.

Note: Click the icon at the bottom right corner of the video to enlarge it and see it more clearly.
You can also use the 'CC' button to remove the captions. 


As a best practice, we recommend contacting your team members first to let them know they will be receiving a GlobeSmart ProfileTeam Invitation shortly. The invitation will be sent by email and comes from "The Aperian Team" at [new email]

Here is a written version of the steps shown in the video.

    1. From the Aperian Dashboard, click My Teams
    2. Click Create New Team
    3. Add a Team Name. Choose a team name that will be recognizable to you and to the team's members.
    4. Add an Additional Team Owner. Enter the email address of someone who can help you manage the team. This person will be able to add and remove members, and change the team name. This is an optional field.
    5. Add a custom message. You have the option to include a personal message in your team invitation. The same message will be sent to all team members. Learn more about this feature.
    6. Enter the email addresses of each person on the team. You can type or copy/paste a list of addresses.
    7. If you are sharing Aperian access with your invitees via an access code you have purchased, you will see the access code under the email addresses. (Note: if you have more than one access code, use the pull-down menu to select the one you would like to use with this team. If your invitees already have Aperian access, you can select the option: "Don't use a code.")
    8. When ready, click Create Team. Invitations will be sent immediately to all the team members asking them to join the team.

We also suggest you review this brief Learning Module: Using the GlobeSmart Profile to Improve Teamwork.

If you are using Access Codes to invite your team members, note that you can attach the Access Code to as many invitations as you like while there are seats remaining. However, the code will only be redeemed for the number of seats you have purchased, in a first-come-first-served order. For example, I have an Access Code with 10 Aperian Premium seats. I send 15 invitations. The first 10 people to join my team and create their accounts will be upgraded to Aperian Premium, but the last 5 people will not.


Monitoring Team Invitations

To view the status of your team invitations:

  • From the Aperian Dashboard, click My Teams
  • Find the appropriate team and either click Manage or click on the team name 

  • You will see the Pending Team Members and Team Members:
    • Pending Team Members are people who have not yet accepted the invitation. You can resend invitations if necessary.
    • Team Members are people who have already joined the team. [new image]

  • You can also change the team name, add members, or begin a team comparison from the icons on the left side of the screen.

Now that your team is created, learn how to create a comparison and view advice. Running into trouble? Review our section on common issues, tips, and tricks.


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