Create your GlobeSmart Profile

In our experience, the best way to begin your learning journey is to level-set with self-awareness. We recommend starting your learning journey by creating your GlobeSmart Profile.

  • Read a short description of the survey and click Take the GlobeSmart Profile Survey.
  • Respond to the 40 survey items with how strongly you agree or disagree with each item. Note: There are no right or wrong answers; no high or low scores. Answer honestly and quickly; your first response is usually the best. 

  • Click Next Question after responding to an item. You can go back to an earlier question using the Back button. You can also leave the survey any time by clicking the Aperian logo. Your progress and your answers are saved.
  • The survey is available in several different languages. You can choose your preferred language from the languages menu.
  • On question 40, click Complete Survey. Your Profile is ready! Now, learn how to understand your profile.


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