Check in every month to see our latest product updates. Here's what we have to share with you for this month:

Inclusive Behaviors Inventory (IBI) 3.0 Coming Soon

The team at GlobeSmart is committed to continually improving our products and services. We're excited to announce a major upgrade to the Inclusive Behaviors Inventory (IBI) with version 3.0 launching on June 30.

Version 3.0 includes improvements to the user experience of taking the IBI and reviewing results, and improvements to the psychometric properties of the assessment.

You can read more about Version 3.0 here. If you're not currently using the IBI within your organization, contact us at to learn more.

GlobeSmart Profile in German

You now have the option to use the GlobeSmart Profile in German! This includes the survey, the About My Profile section, and the skills-based advice.




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