Once you have signed up for Aperian, you will log in to the site on all your return visits. How you log in to Aperian will depend on whether you're using Aperian for individual use or as part of an organization. Each scenario is described here.

Aperian Use within an Organization

If, like most people, you have access to Aperian as part of your organization, you will log in to Aperian depending on how your organization manages access to the site:

Single Sign On Authentication

If your organization uses single sign on authentication, you have two options to access Aperian:

  1. Go to the URL specific to your organization (starting with https://app.aperian.com, but including an ending unique to your organization). This URL will allow you to automatically log in to account and arrive on the Aperian dashboard.  You'll be prompted to log in to your identity provider if needed.
  2. Start in your identity provider (usually your organization's intranet or learning management system) and click the link(s) to Aperian. You'll be taken to the Aperian dashboard.

Email and Password

To log in to Aperian using email/password validation go to https://app.aperian.com, and click Login. Enter the email address and password you created when signing up for GlobeSmart. Click Log In and you will be taken to the Aperian dashboard.

Note: If you cannot remember your password, use the Forgot your Password? feature to reset it. After five (5) unsuccessful login attempts, your account will be locked. You will need to contact support@aperian.com to unlock the account.


Aperian for Individual Use

To log in to your Aperian account, go to https://app.aperian.com,  and click Login. Enter the email address and password you created when signing up for Aperian. Click Log In and you will be taken to the Aperian dashboard. (Be sure to log in with the same email address you used when signing up for Aperian!)

Note: If you cannot remember your password, use the Forgot your Password? feature to reset it. After five (5) unsuccessful login attempts, your account will be locked. You will need to contact support@aperian.com to unlock the account.

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