Experience small or large-group workshops delivered by Aperian experts around the world, tailored to ensure key messages resonate with local audiences.

Cultural Competence

Training Program Description
Leading with a Global Mindset Learn how to manage a dynamic global workforce. Current and future leaders will learn how to develop the skills needed to manage a global workforce.
Virtual Country Briefing Virtual Country Briefing is a learning program that provides basic insights and working strategies for interacting with counterparts from a specific culture.
Working Effectively with Country X The Working Effectively with Country X program equips your organization with the  skills, attitudes, and knowledge needed to collaborate with different workplaces across the globe.
Working Globally Working Globally enables employees to help overcome cultural challenges and focus on productivity.
Collaborating Across Distance In the Collaborating Across Distance program, organizations can arm their employees with the strategies and tools to succeed in a virtual or remote work environment.
Improving Team Collaboration with the GlobeSmart Profile Profile Debrief In this session, an Aperian expert brings participants on an interactive journey through the team insights delivered in this industry-leading tool.
Large Group Virtual Briefing These large group sessions are available on the topics of Cultural Agility, Building Trust and Relationships Across Cultures, and Communicating Effectively Across Cultures.
Leading Across Distance The Leading Across Distance program covers the skills and tools required for global leaders to effectively drive results from a distance.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Training Program Description
Unconscious Bias Through interactive, hands-on activities, Unconscious Bias challenges participants to look at everyday interactions and interpret each situation through a more inclusive lens.
Allyship in Action Help your employees become more aware of the impact of their actions and develop skills to be effective allies at work.
Exploring our Identities Help your employees develop an awareness of intersectionality and the importance of honoring each other’s identities in order to play their role in creating a psychologically safe and inclusive workplace.
Inclusive Leadership Covering the five dimensions of inclusive behaviors from the Inclusive Behaviors Inventory, this facilitated program delivers practical recommendations with flexible content easily integrated into a company’s existing diversity and inclusion initiatives.
Large Group Virtual Briefing These large group sessions are available on the topics of Accelerating Women's Progress, Unconscious Bias, and Understanding Generational Diversity.

Global Mobility

Training Program Description
Global Readiness Development Assessment With the Global Readiness Development Assessment, you get the powerful combination of in-depth research, statistically-validated cultural instruments, and an expert Aperian facilitator.
Leveraging Your International Assignment (Repatriation) With Leveraging Your International Assignment (Repatriation), an Aperian expert helps your organization’s international assignees make a smooth transition back to their home country.
Thriving in a New Culture Designed for the unique professional and personal needs of employees and their families, Thriving in a New Culture offers training options for first-time and repeat assignees, spouses, partners, and children.
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