Check in every month to see our latest product updates. Here's what we have to share with you for this month:

Share your Profile Anywhere

Share your Profile anywhere

As an update to our Share to LinkedIn function, you are now able to share your Profile elsewhere! Navigate to your Profile, and click 'share.' You'll see a new option: 'copy shareable link.' Clicking that option will automatically save your public Profile link to your clipboard. From there, you can paste the link on any platform and your connections can see the formatted preview. You choose where to share your Profile, whether that be on Slack, Teams, LinkedIn, Facebook or via email or text.

*While this new feature is now activated, some organizations may restrict its use. 

Aperian Live Events Feed

Upcoming Aperian Live events

Find all upcoming Aperian Live events in our new Events Feed. You’ll see this pop-up on the right of your dashboard with a list of events you’re able to register for. Sign up and learn something new!

*This feature is activated for all Aperian Live subscription holders.

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