Check in every month to see our latest product updates. Here's what we have to share with you for this month:
GlobeSmart Profile in Italian
We're happy to share that all core aspects of the GlobeSmart Profile are now available in Italian. The content within the GlobeSmart Profile survey, About My Profile, and all nine business advice topics are fully translated into Italian.
Quickly Download a Screenshot of Comparisons
A new link is now available underneath all comparison charts to Take a Screenshot. Upon clicking it, a PNG image file of the chart downloads to the your computer and can then be added to a Presentation, posted on Slack, or added to a family photo album and cherished forever!
Culture Guide Updates
We're continually working to update and improve the GlobeSmart Culture Guides. We prioritize content updates based on the urgency of the update and relevance to GlobeSmart users.
In December 2022, we updated the following topics:
- Spain: Women in Business
If you have feedback on the Culture Guide content, please don't hesitate to get in touch.